
Our Create-A-Class program is a great way to get a group of your child’s friends together to play soccer. You choose the dates, location, and time and we will be there!!!

To Create-A-Class you will need to get a minimum of 11 students together and your child’s class is FREE! If you are unable to reach the quota, then no problem as long as there are more than 7 students (not including) your child signed up then we will conduct the class. As the organizer you will be required to pay for the class but at a 50% off rate.  

Class duration times vary depending upon age and can range anywhere between 30 minutes to 45 minutes.

The cost of the class will range due to the number of weeks chosen. You will have the option between 6-12 sessions. Most Create-A-Class programs choose 8 sessions. Below are the prices per student.

6 sessions – $145

8 sessions – $165

10 sessions – $185

12 sessions – $205

To Create with us complete the form below. If you have any additional questions then feel free to reach out at or via phone at 1-833-QCK-FEET ext. 1.