Mighty Kicks

We use a variety of fun games to develop balance, movement, and motor skills. In a Mighty Kicks class, our students will learn how to strike the ball, run, and dribble as well as listening and following instructions.


Mighty Kicks Director

Justin Reid


General Inquiries



Age:This program is for 3 year olds. Classes are co-ed and range between 6-8 sessions depending upon the season. We offer mornings, afternoons, and evening classes for this age group both indoor and outdoor.
Registration:Click here to view our class schedule.
Details:This program focuses on:
Coordination – At this age it is very common for children to fall down a lot because they are learning how to improve their coordination and to run. To solve this problem we play many fun games to help to improve coordination including standing on one foot and hoping.
Technique – At this age children should be playing with the ball a lot during their sessions. We play many games to help them to improve their technique such as “Dribble Tag” and “Get the Coach”.
Games – Prior to the end of every session we always finish with a game and GOALS!! At this age it is very difficult for most children to understand the concept of playing with only one ball, so we separate the teams and introduce multiple soccer balls with one objective in mind. SCORE GOALS!
Attire:Each child will be given a t-shirt (summer and winter) or soccer jersey (spring and fall) at the beginning of the class that must be worn at all times throughout the duration of their sessions. Athletic attire (dress for the weather) is required. No shin-guards or soccer cleats are needed at this age. Running shoes are ok. We provide the soccer balls, so you do not have to bring one.
Cost:Classes are typically between 6-8 sessions and the cost can range depending upon the season between $155 – $199. Click here to view our schedule.